Cardiff Bus: Embedding Financial Wellbeing into Business Culture

Cardiff Bus is both a successful payroll savings and loans scheme partner with Cardiff & Vale Credit Union, and an accredited Real Living Wage employer.

“Cardiff Bus believes in responsible employment and the financial wellbeing of our employees is at the forefront of our approach. Nearly half of our employees actively use our payroll savings and loans scheme in partnership with Cardiff & Vale Credit Union. Our Real Living Wage accreditation ensures that all our employees are paid a fair rate, and the combination of this and our payroll savings and loans scheme gives the best possible chance of preventing money worries. We are proud of our award-winning partnership with the credit union, which compliments our Real Living Wage accreditation.”

Delyth Evans, Cardiff Bus Finance Director

The payroll scheme partnership with the credit union has been running for 23 years, and Cardiff Bus take a pro-active role in ensuring that it is embedded in the businesses’ culture of supporting financial wellbeing for staff.

Two examples of testimonials from Cardiff Bus staff highlighting the practical benefits of the scheme include:

“Through regular savings with the Credit Union I know that summer holidays and Christmases are sorted and I don’t have to worry about finding the extra money for these things”.

“When my washing machine broke down, Cardiff & Vale Credit Union was able to provide me with a loan to replace it and I had the money in my bank within two days of applying.”

With Real Living Wage protection for all staff and such a high percentage of employees participating in the payroll savings and loans scheme, financial wellbeing is strongly embedded within Cardiff Bus, and an example of good practice for employers.

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