Making Cardiff a Living Wage City

Cardiff was recognised as a Living Wage City as part of the ‘Making Living Wage Places’ scheme in 2019. In 2015, Cardiff Council became a Living Wage accredited employer. To achieve this accreditation, a group of prominent Cardiff employers joined forces to form the Cardiff Living Wage Action Group and launched a three year action plan to make Cardiff a Living Wage City.


Current statistics

Total number of workers employed by Living Wage employers


Total number of workers uplifted to the Living Wage


Over 10,000 workers in Cardiff have been uplifted to the real Living Wage as a result of Cardiff based employers accrediting

There are currently 227 Cardiff Living Wage employers signed to the scheme and the city is well on the way to exceeding their initial three-year action plan.

Making Cardiff a Living Wage City is a collaborative effort. The Steering Group overseeing progress on the action plan includes representatives from Cynnal Cymru, Citizens Cymru Wales, Cardiff University, Cardiff Council, C3SC, Cardiff and Vale Credit Union, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, FOR Cardiff and Food Cardiff.

Action plan

The previous Living Wage City Action Plan included:

  • Increasing the number of accredited Living Wage employers to 150 by 2022.
  • Increasing the number of people working for accredited Living Wage employers to 48,000 by 2022.
  • Encouraging all organisations in Cardiff to become accredited Living Wage employers.
  • Supporting small businesses to accredit through the Council’s Living Wage Accreditation Support Scheme.

Impact across cardiff

Cardiff University has estimated that an additional £75 million has been paid to workers in Cardiff as a result of Living Wage accreditations by Cardiff based employers.

additional pay

Watch this video to learn more about:

  • The need for Living Wage accreditation in Cardiff.
  • Employers’ reasons for accrediting
  • The impact of the Living Wage on workers
  • The journey to making Cardiff a Living Wage City.
*Filmed in October 2020.

Call to action

If you are a Cardiff-based organisation that has not yet accredited and would like to do so please contact us, we are at hand to support you through all stages of accreditation.


Accreditation Support Scheme for Cardiff SMEs and VCSEs

For more information on the Living Wage in Cardiff and details of the Council’s Living Wage Accreditation Support Scheme please visit

Local AuthorityToolkit

If you are a Local Authority in Wales interested in accreditation, more information can be found in the Local Authority Living Wage Toolkit.

Become a
Living Wage

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