Our team
We are here
to help you
Our team are here to help and support you through the accreditation process and answer any questions you might have about the real Living Wage.
+44 (0)2294 0814
Harry Thompson
Head of Fair Economy
Harry is Senior Programme and Policy Lead: Fair Work and Economy and manages the Fair Work and Living Wage team, which work towards Cynnal Cymru’s strategic goal of a fair and just society.
He previously worked as Economic Policy Lead at the Institute of Welsh Affairs, leading projects on topics such as empowering trade unions, the Welsh Government’s fiscal framework, and community empowerment. He previously worked for public affairs firm Deryn Consulting and in political campaigns and research at Senedd, Westminster, and local authority level.
Talk to Harry about: Fair work and living wage policy and strategy.
Grace Robinson
Living Wage Programme Lead
Grace is the Living Wage Programme Officer, providing advice and support to growing our employer network.
She was born in Cardiff and has lived here most of her life – the only exception being an undergraduate degree in Swansea.
She has a background in human resources and has always been passionate about equality, justice and fair work practices.
Grace previously worked on the Living Wage Programme during her master’s degree in HR, which is what made her enthusiastic about this particular initiative.
Talk to Grace about: All things Living Wage.
Karen Misbah
Living Work Projects Coordinator
Karen is the Living Work Projects Coordinator, working on the Living Work initiatives such as Living Wage Places, Living Hours, and Living Pensions.
Karen brings a range of skills and knowledge from working in a Research & Development team at Panasonic and from her time as a Health & Wellbeing officer at Cardiff Council.
She strongly believes in equality for everyone, and through her role at Cynnal Cymru hopes to make a difference.
Talk to Karen about: Living Wage Places and Living Hours
Alys Reid Bacon
Living Wage Support officer
Alys provides support on the Living Wage accreditation process and communications.
Alys is passionate about sustainability and is currently working on her PhD in Biological Sciences, titled, “The influence of genotype, environment & management factors on yield development, grain filling & grain quality in oats”.
Talk to Alys about: Living Wage accreditation and the promotion and celebration of your organisation.